New Releases

MD Redelivery Terminal & Product Server Script 2.0 released

MD Redelivery Terminal & Product Server offers both features of redelivery terminal and product server for vendors running MD Vendor System, the vending solution by MD Labs.

A new version of MD Redelivery Terminal, signed 2.0, is out with a bunch of cool features:

  • New product server feature: a terminal holding one or more product in its content and having one or more client vendor* connected to it, relying on it for the product’s delivery;
  • Works seamlessly as redelivery terminal and product server for client vendors*;
  • Stronger, faster, more efficient and more reliable communication protocol between client and server;
  • Increased data’s security during transmission between client and server;
  • New option to choose a custom object to send during a mass redelivery;
  • Improved mass redelivery performances;
  • Improved script’s performance and fixed little bugs;
  • Better owner menu, easier to use and read;

*MD Redelivery Terminal & Product Server Script works only with MD Vendor System 3.0+

As always the new version is available for free to all whom purchased it already, you can get it via update from one of your terminals (owner menu>update) or through the redelivery terminal at MD Labs in-world store.

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