MD Vendor System subscription renewal
Hello everyone!
As many of you know the new version of MD Vendor System became a subscription-based system and it has been released including July as subscription-free month for all existing users.
I have finished to finalise the subscription system and renewal terminals and I am going to share here several details that will hopefully answer to your most asked questions and also cancel every possible doubt about how the subscription renewal is going to work and what will happen next days.
The MD Vendor System subscription renewal will have to be performed using the subscription terminal located at MD Labs in-world store (link here).
As the subscription is approaching its expiration date a reminder will appear on the MD Vendor System website and a subscription reminder server will send in-world notifications: an IM and a notecard. These in-world reminders are sent daily at midnight SLT and can be disabled through the ‘manage subscription’ link present in the ‘store management’ tab of MD Vendor System website.
MD Vendor System subscription renewal method will differ based on the chosen billing type:
- Users using the weekly ‘fixed’ fee will be able to use the renewal terminal to renew their subscription from 1 up to 8 weeks with a single payment.
- Users using the monthly fee (calculated as the 2% of the previous month profit) will be able to renew the subscription only one month for the next one and only once the current month is over; this is required for the system to be able to calculate correctly the previous month profit.
IMPORTANT: once the subscription is expired users will still have a full week (7 days) of grace period and everything will keep working as usual during that period.
Lastly, I have listened your feedback and added a minimum and maximum cap to the subscription cost, which applies only to users having the 2% fee:
- Minimum cap: if the 2% of previous month profit is less than 49L$ the subscription renewal cost will be fixed at 49L$;
- Maximum cap: if the 2% of the previous month profit is more than 4999L$ the subscription cost will be fixed at 4999L$;
August is going to be the first month of renewal and I am still fine-tuning the subscription system, so please be patient and don’t hesitate to contact me for any question or report me any issue you may find.