MD Visitors Tracker & Greeter 2.0 released
Hi there!
After more than one month of developing and testing, version 2.0 of MD Visitors Tracker & Greeter is finally ready to be released.
This update will affect the following products:
- MD Visitors Tracker & Greeter
- MD Visitors Tracker Board & Greeter
- MD Visitors Tracker & Greeter (Bulb)
- MD Visitors Tracker & Greeter (Notepad)
The roll out of the update will start from MD Visitors Tracker & Greeter, and will expand to the other versions in the next days.
Here is the changelog of this new release:
- Implemented a brand new communication protocol between in-world trackers and MD Labs Online Services website, for a more reliable, faster and more efficient experience.
- Track the visitor’s stay time: the tracker will automatically track and calculate how long each visitors spent visiting the area. This information is displayed on MD Labs Online Services website and in the daily report.
- Implemented the quick peek feature: from the MD Labs Online Services website, you will be able to ‘take a peek’ in real time of who is actually under the tracker’s scan area;
- Added optional integration between MD Visitors Tracker & MD Vendor System, the vendor solution from MD Labs: if you use both products at your store, from the MD Labs Online Services website you will be able to track the profit made from each visitor who bought your product using MD Vendor System;
- Small bug fixes;
- Memory optimizations;
- Soft, fluffy kittens;
As always the new version is available for free to all whom purchased it already, you can get it via update from one of your terminals (owner menu>update) or through the redelivery terminal at MD Labs in-world store.