
The future of MD Vendor System

Dear Customers,
I’d like to start out by saying how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I strive to offer the best, most detailed and reliable vendor system in Second Life.

To continue this, comes changes to ensure growth.

The upcoming version of the MD Vendor system will include a major change, it’s going to be a subscription based service. The business model change results from the more advanced features being requested and implemented, growing number of users to support, and increasing workload.

I feel it’s an important and needed direction to take to ensure the long-term plans I have about the future of my vendor system and the long road I want to travel with all of you, successfully, on the Second Life grid.

The current MD Vendor system is 4.0. You have the option, of course, not to move to the upcoming new system and continue to use this version, but please note that there will no longer be updates to the 4.0 version. I will be focusing on implementing all updates and new features to the upcoming subscription based version (4.1).

Details to come soon.

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